Saturday, May 9, 2015

SUMMER: Walking on sand with bare feet is highly effective in good health

 Walking on sand, on earth or in the grass with bare feet is very beneficial for our health as this keeps us grounded, helps neutralize free radicals and protects against inflammation which is a major cause for many health problems.

Surveys on grounding have shown that if you bring your bare feet in direct contact with the ground after an injury, free electrons will penetrate your body and your tissues.

Any free radical in contact with healthy tissue will be, directly, electrically neutralized. This is because electrons are negatively charged while the radicals positively and thus one eliminates the effect of the other.

Oxidative stress due to exposure to environmental pollution, smoking, pesticides, trans fats, radiation and many other, draw electrons from your body.

Step outside, barefoot, touch the earth and let the excess load be released to it. Walking barefoot can help you against the constant attack you receive from various electromagnetic fields and some kinds of radiation - for example from mobile phones, computers and Wi-Fi.
In addition, the ground can contribute greatly to calm your nervous system, relaxation and wellness. So, take off your shoes and walk fearlessly on the sand, grass, gravel, cement ...!

Information drawn from the texts of Dr. Merkola
Original text in Greek by Georgia Polaki, translated in English by Elisavet Lemoni